Ways of working
Coaching & Consulting: The New Ways of Working
High might we set up new ways of working for Student Hotel’s established project steering committee for better and more efficient collaboration.
The Student Hotel
Case Study• Google / Offsites
How might we, together with design studio Hyperakt, best design and host part of The Google Marketing Summit to inspire 130 employees on how to approach work with a resilient mindset.
We advised HyperAkt remotely by providing them with 4 different workshop scenarios related to the Google brief. We finalised it into one delivery pack - this included: an in-depth workshop overview and curated toolkit with techniques well fitted to the Google session.
Additionally we co-hosted the session in New Orleans making sure things run smooth for both delegates as the the Google and Hyperakt facilitators.
130+ participants accompanied by 7 facilitators
Provided Google and HyperAkt facilitators with a facilitation guide including tips and tricks on how to manage and guide their participants best.
Increased confidence in navigating the challenge.
“Working with Mischief Makers has been a true pleasure! They are a dynamic team made up of energetic, smart, and passionate individuals. They imbued me and my teammates with confidence and gave us the guidance, tools, and motivation necessary to navigate a complex challenge head on.”
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Whether you’re interested in working together, want to know more about Facilitation, or simply have a question for us, reach out.